CPTI is elected one of the Best NGOs to Donate


Management and transparency of resource use were definitive

to win the Award promoted by Época Magazine and Doar Institute


The CPTI – which celebrates 25 years in 2017 – was recognized on the night of August 7, 2017, in a ceremony held in São Paulo, as one of the Best Non-Governmental Organizations in Brazil, for the First Edition of “Best NGOs Época Doar 2017″, a Initiative of the Doar Institute and Época Magazine.

In Brazil there are more than three hundred thousand NGOs, among associations, civil society organizations, institutes and philanthropic foundations. In all, 1,560 NGOs registered for the Award. CPTI received prominence among the 100 best NGOs for Doar, according to its management and transparency of resource use. The criteria for evaluating the reputation of the NGO were based on the analysis of measurable and objective data, such as administrative, accounting, financial and communication processes, public and transparent, as these resources come from donations and sponsorship.

For the Doar Institute, which values ​​good examples, from a Quality Seal, the time has come to create a stimulus for NGOs and a showcase for potential donors if they decide to donate. Exemplary NGOs deserve the recognition and input of conscious donors. This is the objective of the Best NGOs Award.

The CPTI is organized into four areas of action: social assistance and monitoring of families, development of actions, projects and information activities, formation and coexistence, socio-political intervention and sustainability actions and maintenance of infrastructure. “The objective of all the projects developed is to provide a space for the community and strengthening relationships, of integral training for the full exercise of citizenship and juvenile protagonism, preparing them for life in society and for work”, emphasizes Mr. Dettloff von Simson Junior, president of the NGO, adding that “for CPTI to receive this award only reinforces that we are on the right track, doing a work of excellence, in promoting experiences that can mark the lives of users in a positive way, reflecting in a future of personal and professional achievements.”

The goal is that not only these first 100, but the largest possible number of NGOs, among the more than 300 thousand in this country, can, from this partnership of Doar Institute with Época Magazine, establish standards for continuous improvement. They increase their legitimacy and reputation and increase donor resources for them.

Methodologies, pedagogies and procedures of each NGO with its persons involed can not and should not be comparable nor much less ranked. But the management and transparency of resources, yes. This is what the award has measured and this is what it intends to do: awarding NGOs whose data are measurable and objective.

Throughout the world there is evidence to confirm that certifications, awards and recognitions significantly increase donor confidence and consequently increase the volume of donations. In Brazil, as in other cases, there is little research on this. We can highlight an experience that was discontinued but that in its short life gave excellent results. This is the Award Bem Eficiente (“Well Efficient”), by Stephen Kanitz. He brought interesting data about the experience:

  • The 50 best-run institutions of the year doubled their donation income over the next three years.
  • On average they received R$ 2,000,000.00 of additional donations in the following triennium.
  • Most of the extra money came from people who had never donated before.

For Doar Institute, more than a award and its winners, there is an ecosystem that benefits from the whole process, stimulates the sector and promotes healthy competition, not between people or institutions, but between what is and what is intended to be. An NGO can and should be encouraged to continuously improve.

Better NGOs is therefore a guide that makes it easier for the donor to choose who to donate. It is time to value what is ours and support the CPTI.

Join in, too – be a friend of CPTI.

Mr. Dettloff von Simson Junior, President of CPTI at the award ceremony

Best NGOs Award Epoca DOAR 2017, in the hands of Mr. Dettloff von Simson Junior, President of CPTI


Read more:

Epoca: Um país de gente com boas ideias

Epoca: As 100 melhores ONGs do Brasil

Epoca: Vocação encabeça guia de Melhores ONGs do Brasil

100 best NGOs in Brazil

Award Certificate CPTI Epoca-DOAR
